President's Message

President's November Message

I hope everyone is doing OK and enjoying the cooler weather. Our August meeting was fun and I was surprised at all the sharing. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did. Attached is a picture of a couple items Alice and Carolyn shared. Michael Patris is feeling better and he will join us on Saturday, November 16 to talk about the Red Cars. I came to the San Gabriel Valley in 1972 and do not remember the red car going down Huntington Drive. I did live by an area in South Pasadena that people said where the red cars ran. I bet we have some DUVCW members that do remember the cars and have pictures from those days. If you have any items, bring them to share. Also. feel free to bring a friend. The meeting starts at 10am. In F-C-L,

Gage Hewes 

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